Un site de l'Agence pour le Non-Marchand
Informations, conseils et services pour le secteur associatif

Community Help Service asbl Bruxelles

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Community Help Service asbl
Sigle : C.H.S.

Av. des Phalènes , 26
1000 Bruxelles

Tél : 02 647 67 80 - 02 648 40 14
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Infos techniques

Raison sociale : ASBL

Numéro de TVA : BE0408409887

Nombre de collaborateurs : de 5 à 9

Activités / services

Community Help Service (CHS) runs a 24-hour, 7-day a week English-language telephone Help Line, staffed by a team of trained volunteers, and a Mental Health Centre (located in central Brussels) staffed by a professional and English-speaking team of psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists and educational specialists.